Intuitive Design in concrete form
Intuitive Design in concrete form
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My name is Mica and I am an independent Graphic- and Interface Designer based in Berlin.
I’ve been working in the field of digital media creation since 1999. For me, creativity and technology respond to one another, both to build value and to form new avenues for visual communication.
My design work is driven by the understanding of client and user needs and goals. From small applications to complex corporate websites – I like to explore and define the right design solution.
I work remotely or in-house for agencies and clients. Want to talk shop?
Feel free to contact me.
Client list
- 1&1
- Advanzia
- Bar jeder Vernunft
- Bankenverband
- Berlinale
- Bund deutscher Baumschulen
- Bundesagentur für Arbeit
- Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales
- Comneon
- Deutschland – Land der Ideen
- Die Firma
- Die Welt
- Dussmann
- Ebay
- Ebay Kleinanzeigen
- Enercity
- Erich-Brost-Haus
- EuroFlorist
- Evangelische Kirche
- PKV – Generationengerechte Pflege
- Primedia Magazin
- Reichelt
- Schweizstrom
- Scout24
- Sparkasse
- Stadtwerke Duisburg
- Stiftung St. Matthäus
- Tipi am Kanzleramt
- Toshiba
- T-Com
- verdi. – tarifrebellion
- vfa.
- Wacker
- Warsteiner
- Wohnplus
- Yorck Kronenberg
- …
Previous design work can be found here: www.micadesign.de